Have you heard that gold shades are still trending this summer? It comes from the 90's Disco inspiration shaping our party mood for the long hot season's nights. How you should follow this fashion trend? During the day you can add a sparkling element as a bag, hat or statement jewelry and during the night you can bright yourself in a total gold look.
Το χρυσό χρώμα παραμένει τάση και για φέτος! Μας θυμίει την εποχή του Disco και φοριέται από το πρωί έως και το βράδυ. Δες παρακάτω τους 2 συνδυασμούς που προτείνω.
Все оттенки золота остаются тренде и на этот сезон! Напоминая об эстетике диско, золото хорошо подчеркиает летнее настроение, загар, а также модную осведомленность. Днем добавляем металлический оттенок золота в аксессуары и обувь. Вечерний наряд может быть целиком посвящен золотому цвету.

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Alena Papaki (find here)
Wow! You are looking so beautiful in these pictures. I love your fashion style and I just fall in love with this golden dress. This dress looks so pretty on you. I would love to wear such an outfit with tragus piercing. Because accessories give you a different style statement. Well, if I'd be asked to add accessories to my style, I would prefer jewelry in the first place. I have a huge collection of jewelry from beautiful tragus piercing Thanks.
ReplyDeleteThis was an interesting post! And yes you are right golden dress is always in trend. You look gorgeous in this dress. Thanks for this lovely post!
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